Monday, December 23, 2013


VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

Like everyone else at this time of the year, I am wondering where the year went? Tapestry wise I have not finished many this year and had hoped to get a few more done. But as we all know life sometimes has other plans for us. This tapestry had been on the loom what seemed to be forever. I had a lot of trouble sourcing the gold threads and it was put on the backburner several times while I wove other projects. Now all I need to do is sew it to matt board and organize some professional photos of it.

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

I sent my little tapestry postcard up to Canberra for the Canberra Community Tapestry exhibition at the  ACT Legislative Assembly. I went up to Canberra in April to spend some time weaving a row of the squares in the community tapestry. It is not my usual colour scheme, I think that I was having a work in softer colours period? 

Centenary tapestry exhibition in Legislative Assembly

My friend Ruth Lathlean sent me some photo’s of the exhibition, this is one that I wanted to share. Woven by Brenda Goggs. Home Ground 1 and Home Ground 2 were also part of an exhibition titled ‘Shaping Canberra’ If you look through the slideshow there is a detail of the tapestry on the left. The top part is a tapestry that features a kangaroo, the rest is the hide of an Eastern Grey kangaroo.   

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

This is my little shape that I was sent to weave for the Fate, Destiny and Self Determination: An international tapestry project. ‘Sunset over Grampians Canola’ is now on it’s way to Canada.

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