Tuesday, November 22, 2016


John Wolseley tapestry 'Fire and water, moths swamps and lava flows of the Hamilton region' woven at the Australian Tapestry Workshop for the Hamilton Art Gallery collection. 
It has been weeks since I traveled to Hamilton to see the exhibition, John Wolseley, Mallee-Maquis-Desert-Rainforest 1990-2016 
The tapestry was woven from a watercolour drawing and it is interesting to see how the colour changes and mark making have been resolved in the weaving.
 Whilst tapestries woven at the A.T.W have grown in numbers over the past 40 years, budget constraints often factor into how an image is resolved in the final tapestry.    
'Concerning the wading birds of the Warrnambool wetlands' designed by John Wolseley for Warrnambool South West Helthcare.
I will just share a few images from the exhibition.
Some works were quite large and as usual it takes a long time to view this artist's work as they often contain writing and very minute details.
 Small detail of one of the larger works. 
This small detail is one of my favorites.
 Beautiful detail of a bird and nest.
Arthur Streeton created some of Australia's most iconic paintings. "Halls Gap Grampians' painted in  1920.
'Mt Sturgeon and Mt Abrupt' painted in 1921.

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